Thursday, March 24, 2005

caught behind a train, i had some time to think

so milwaukie is divided by traintracks. there's an eastern and western side. i'm not sure which side is the right or wrong side, but one of the joys in being a milwaukian (milwaukite? milwaukieen?) is being caught behind the train.

this evening i was visiting some friends on the wrong side of the tracks and found myself parked behind the longest train of all time. pumping the arcade fire, i was tempted to let eastern canada's finest indie rockers lull me from the impending boredom. rather, i found that i had some time to think.

my friend's baby is now a five-year-old. this is the same unknown kid that i had prayed for and waited on before he arrived what is now years ago. the thing is this little five-year-old kept me entertained for the duration of my visit. he showed me his favorite online games... (mine is battleship), and basically made me laugh for a half hour. so i am now realizing that this is what life is about. laughing with a little kid and realizing that five years passes faster than any of us wants it to.

i feel a newfound need to look up some old friends and get busy dying. maybe i'll log off the blog and do a google search right now.

...or maybe i'll watch some television.


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