AI vs. Live Cover
I'll try and protect the innocent here, but I gotta say that sharing an email address at work sucks for more than just the reason below. I mean, I receive my share of spam from sultry manboys and the like, but sometimes it's your co-worker's legitimate, solicited emails that get sticky (pun intended). take this example for instance. I should preface by saying that I don't generally consider myself a prude, but this email casually referred to semen so many times that even I began to blush. Before you pervs continue I think that this has something to do with horses..."Eileen, John:
I noticed that you do ship semen, the $150.00 additional for that is that just the collection/chute fee then I would pay shipping on top of that or does that include the first shipping? Most cases that I have dealt with in the past have included the first shipment of semen. What is the motility rate at 24, 36, & 48 hours for him? Have you done those numbers? My old Switch a lena daughter does so much better with AI than live cover. Will you be standing black next spring? What is Black’s percentage of throwing yellow? I try for any color other than yellow. ...Thanks for your time."
Needless to say, I'm now checking email with one eye closed in the hope that I won't start "throwing yellow" myself.
James -- Thanx for the personal comment bra! Remember that one time when you were wearing that lampshade in the back of my truck and we were smashing mailboxes and I held your hair back as you puked? ...of course you don't because I don't know you and this is just spam.
Rightsvault -- You're right(svault) on one thing, my blog is awesome. But your downloads blog sucks.
I don't even want to know what throwing yellow is... cuz, it can't be good. Hey, if you like my comment you could check out my blog too... but wait, you already do that.
Cool web blog site!!!
I like your topics!! I will definitely throw yellow at it! By the way, if you want some good stock tips, come check out my investments blog; I think you might like it!!
All I know is not to eat yellow snow.
Remember that band "Live"? They had an album called "Throwing Yellow", right?
I think that all albums by Live should be called 'throwing yellow'
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