Gimme a C!
So today after school a sixth grader who is the absolute "best-friend-till-the-end" of one of the girls in my class handed me a piece of paper.Girl from another class: Here you go Mr. Rickard.
Me: That's nice of you. What does it say?
GFAC: It's a poem about you. I used the letters in your name.
Me: Wow, thanks. That's really sweet of you. (proceed to read poem) So energetic starts with a C?
GFAC: Oh, whoops. I did that in like 30 seconds.
Me: Well I see that I'm daring. I guess I better go jump in a fire or rescue a kitty (both girls smile and blush). Well thanks a lot.
Another GFAC: Bye, Mr. Rickard (she grabs me in a side hug).
Me (seeing that another teacher has received the same type of poem): Why didn't you put 'beautiful' on mine?
GFAC: Because your name doesn't have a B in it.
Me: Oh I see. Just like it doesn't have an E.
GFAC: Huh?
Me: Don't miss your bus girls.
So anyways, here's a poem that describes me.
Mr. Rickard
R-Rock on
R-Reads a lot
I just can't get over being called rocken and dareing in one day. Maybe I'll correct the spelling errors and return the poem...
Thta's so seweet! I'm so gald your studnets like you. But seriously, that's nice. I've always wanted to be called "reads a lot".
I think that is my native american name... Reads a Lot is asking Stands with a Fist if Grassy Meadow can come over for supper.
That is too cute!
I wrote one for myself:
B rilliant
E ntertaining
T otally tubular
H ilarious
Whoo Hoo!
Wow! You'd get bonus points in my class for your awesome adoption of alliteration!
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