Sunday, October 30, 2005

I see nog up ahead...

yes, it's that time of year again. not fall back we're out of daylight savings time, but the glorious two-and-a-half months when egg nog is in stores.

now i understand that egg nog is a love-it-or-hate-it "beverage" (i guess egg nog is a beverage, but that's akin to calling gravy a beverage, it's more a liquid dessert. as a dessert, it's one of those too rich desserts like grammas fudge, but i digress).

so love it or hate it, nog is back, and boy do i love it. perhaps too much. i once used egg nog on my breakfast cereal. not out of necessity, but out of wonton lust.

now before you puke, i realize that it must sound digusting, but it was the best bowl of cheerios ever.

well, off to find some cheerios!


At 8:10 PM, Blogger kazuhank said...

can you have me over when the nogcicles are ready?

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Sloop said...

I sure do love me some egg nog. We seriously ought to have a nog party - make it from scratch, the old-fashioned way. Dios Mio! Que fantastico!

At 3:18 PM, Blogger BethInPortland said...

I like egg nog and I like pumkin milk shakes. They have really good pumpkin milkshakes at Mike's Drive in!

At 3:18 PM, Blogger BethInPortland said...

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At 8:20 AM, Blogger kazuhank said...

sloop-are you volunteering your place? i'm down. anyone for salminila?

jon&beth-mmmmmmmmmmmm punkin. i drive by mike's and burgerville after rehearsal and have yet to succumb... i soon will

kizzie-i once bought the powdernog. the instructions simply stated 'add to one gallon of milk' wow. luckiest gallon of milk ever. where do you get the powdernog in this year 2005? if only they made a powder for punkin shakes.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Sloop said...

Yeah I'm volunteering my place. I love me some eggnog. I've got like 5 recipes for it, currently.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Bonikastjames said...

Yum NOG! I love nog! I LOVE NOG! Why, oh why does it have to be made with milk?!?!?! I don't like milk.

Is there Soy Nog?


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